jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Carlos ( Karl ) Kleiber ( 1930 - 2004 ) 3 / 7



                                                 SERIES OF CONDUCTORS
                             Carlos ( Karl )  Kleiber  ( 1930 - 2004 ) 
                                                        3 / 7

Carlos (Karl ) Kleiber is considered one the best Conductors in his days and for long time listeners and followers of his performances. Any person will be delighted to enjoy his unique style, so appropriate in each concert, with such passion and devotion which resembles his talent and dedication as a profound musician.

Thank you Maestro Kleiber !


Carlos Kleiber Beethoven Ouvertüre Coriolan Mozart Symphonie No 33 Brahms Symphonie No 4

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