jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Gustav Mahler (1860-1911 ) 3 / 7


                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS 
                                 Gustav Mahler (1860-1911 )
                                             3  / 7

A devoted musician who was a brilliant Conductor as a daily living, soon found his muse to inspire him as a Composer. Like many other great musicians, he was recognized after many years of hard work. Nowadays, all his masterpieces form part of all prestigious orchestras throughout the world.

Feel free to enjoy some of his fine music as you enter into his magnificent world.


Mahler 2 "Resurrection" symphony - finale with English subtitles conducted by Leonard Bernstein

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MUSIC / Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries) 2 / 7

  MUSIC                                                                  Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries)                              ...