jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

MUSIC - The April Gift



                               The April Gift

Let the Music lead us to a world full of beauty and harmony, almost like any children or choir can bring people together as One besides opening new and improved purposes for humankind.

It is so simple and easy to implement that there are no reasonable hidden answers to such request.

Meanwhile, a group of talented musicians, representing humans who are suffering as victims of political mistakes, give an example and bring to our reflection that "anything is possible"  when we join our minds and souls and start finding new trends of understanding each other, beyond all odds.

Thus, we honor all these musicians with their performances which enrichen the lives of so many men, women, young and children around the globe with simple songs making the planet a better environment.

God Bless Leonid & Friends . . . 


Fantasy - Leonid & Friends (EW&F cover)

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