viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

MUSIC - Series of Conductors 4 / 7 - Arthur Toscanini ( 1867 - 1957 )


                             Series of Conductors        4 / 7
                             Arthur Toscanini ( 1867 - 1957 )

One of the greatest and most respected Conductors of the XIX century and first half of the XX century. 

Fortunately, we still have some few live recordings, although not so neat sounds as we would like to have, but anyone can reach his talents beyond the old recordings. 

Enjoy Maestro Arthur Toscanini in some of his most wonderful concerts. Here we can taste a little bit of his style, total dedication, professionalism and devotion in the Art of Conducting.


Rossini: Semiramide - Sinfonia - Arturo Toscanini, Direttore; NBC Symphony Orchestra

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