A prodigy, a genius, a remarkable composer since childhood. More than 800 works of virtually every genre of his time. He is perceived as one the greatest composers of all times, if not the best.
We will share some of his most remarkable masterpieces. A hard task when selecting only works.
You are kindly invited to listen and go through his wonderful creations as you are guided by early devoted talents around HIstory.
Thank you Maestro Mozart for sharing your musical insights with all of us around the world, in a never-ending period of natural inspirations.
Laut verkünde unsre Freude
froher Instrumentenschall,
jedes Bruders Herz empfinde
dieser Mauern Widerhall.
Denn wir weihen diese Stätte
durch die goldne Bruderkette
und den echten Herzverein
heut' zu unserm Tempel ein.
Loudly proclaim our joy
joyful sound of instruments,
Let every brother's heart
of these walls echo.
For we consecrate this place
by the golden chain of brothers
and the true union of hearts
as our temple today.
joyful sound of instruments,
Let every brother's heart
of these walls echo.
For we consecrate this place
by the golden chain of brothers
and the true union of hearts
as our temple today.
Proclamad en voz alta nuestra alegría
alegre sonido de instrumentos,
Que el corazón de cada hermano
de estos muros resuene.
Porque consagramos este lugar
por la cadena de oro de los hermanos
y la verdadera unión de los corazones
como nuestro templo de hoy.
alegre sonido de instrumentos,
Que el corazón de cada hermano
de estos muros resuene.
Porque consagramos este lugar
por la cadena de oro de los hermanos
y la verdadera unión de los corazones
como nuestro templo de hoy.
Mozart - Música Masónica (Masonic Music)
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