viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023




                              NUESTRA  PALABRA

       Parménides, en sus Reglas de Oro para la juventud decía : "Que tus actos y tus costumbres sean un poco mejor de lo que tu pienses que son suficientemente buenos". Esta verdad que asombra por su simpleza, será el triunfo de quien la aplique en la vida diaria.

       El trabajo hecho un poquito mejor de lo que se nos exige ; el estudio, con un poco más de atención ; el diario vivir con un poquito más de lógica, nos conducirá, inevitablemente, a una meta venturosa y al triunfo en la vida.

       La conformidad con nuestros actos nos vuelve perezosos, es una manera de ser soberbios y vanidosos.

       Sólo el humilde alcanzará el triunfo, porque nunca estará conforme consigo mismo y aspira siempre mejorar, ser mejor con sus semejantes, porque cree que siempre podrá actuar mejor.

       El trabajador que hace un poco más y mejor la tarea que le fue encomendada, necesariamente tendrá que progresar en su trabajo. 

       El trabajo del joven es estudiar, y si aplica la regla, culminará brillantemente sus estudios.

       El hombre y la mujer en el hogar, el empleado en sus labores, el legislador, el magistrado, el gobernante, todos, en el cumplimiento de las "Reglas de Oro" que nos dejó el sabio Parménides alcanzaríamos el bienestar y la razón de vivir hasta viejos. 

                                                                          OM   TAT    SAT

Fuente: Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica. Caracas, Venezuela, Mayo, Año 1970.

MUSIC - Series of Conductors 1 / 7 - Arthur Toscanini ( 1867 - 1957 )



                             Series of Conductors 1 / 7
                             Arthur Toscanini ( 1867 - 1957 )

One of the greatest and most respected Conductors of the XIX century and first half of the XX century. 

Fortunately, we still have some few live recordings, although not so neat sounds as we would like to have, but anyone can reach his talents beyond the old recordings. 

Enjoy Maestro Arthur Toscanini in some of his most wonderful concerts. Here we can taste a little bit of his style, total dedication, professionalism and devotion to the Art of Conducting.


from WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia


Early years

Toscanini was born in Parma, Emilia-Romagna, and won a scholarship to the local music conservatory, where he studied the cello. Living conditions at the conservatory were harsh and strict. For example, the menu at the conservatory consisted almost entirely of fish; in his later years, Toscanini steadfastly refused to eat anything that came from the sea.

He joined the orchestra of an opera company, with which he toured South America in 1886. While presenting Aida in Rio de Janeiro on June 25, Leopoldo Miguez, the locally hired conductor, reached the summit of a two-month escalating conflict with the performers due to his rather poor command of the work, to the point that the singers went on strike and forced the company's general manager to seek a substitute conductor. Carlo Superti and Aristide Venturi tried unsuccessfully to finish the work.

In desperation, the singers suggested the name of their assistant Chorus Master, who knew the whole opera from memory. Although he had no conducting experience, Toscanini was eventually persuaded by the musicians to take up the baton at 9:15 pm, and led a performance of the two-and-a-half hour opera, completely from memory. The public was taken by surprise, at first by the youth, charisma and sheer intensity of this unknown conductor, then by his solid musicianship. The result was astounding acclaim. For the rest of that season, Toscanini conducted 18 operas, each one an absolute success. Thus began his career as a conductor, at age 19.

Upon returning to Italy, Toscanini set out on a dual path. He continued to conduct, his first appearance in Italy being at the Teatro Carignano in Turin, on November 4, 1886,  in the world premiere of the revised version of Alfredo Catalani's Edmea (it had had its premiere in its original form at La Scala, Milan, on February 27, of that year). This was the beginning of Toscanini's lifelong friendship and championing of Catalani; he even named his first daughter Wally after the heroine of Catalani's opera La Wally.[4] He also returned to his chair in the cello section, and participated as cellist in the world premiere of Verdi's Otello (La Scala, Milan, 1887) under the composer's supervision. Verdi, who habitually complained that conductors never seemed interested in directing his scores the way he had written them, was impressed by reports from Arrigo Boito about Toscanini's ability to interpret his scores. The composer was also impressed when Toscanini consulted him personally about Verdi's Te Deum, suggesting an allargando where it was not set out in the score. Verdi said that he had left it out for fear that "certain interpreters would have exaggerated the marking".

ARTURO TOSCANINI. The magic of conducting




                       SERIES OF COMPOSERS  1 / 7
          WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART  ( 1756 . 1791 )

A prodigy, a genius, a remarkable composer since childhood. He wrote more than 800 works of virtually every genre of his time. He is perceived as one the greatest composers of all times, if not the best.
We will share some of his most remarkable masterpieces. A hard task when selecting only few works.

You are kindly invited to listen and go through his wonderful creations as you are guided by an early devoted talent around music HIstory.

Thank you Maestro Mozart for sharing your musical insights with all of us around the world, in a never-ending  period of natural inspirations.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791) was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite his short life, his rapid pace of composition resulted in more than 800 works of virtually every genre of his time. Many of these compositions are acknowledged as pinnacles of the symphonicconcertantechamberoperatic, and choralrepertoire. Mozart is widely regarded as among the greatest composers in the history of Western music,[1] with his music admired for its "melodic beauty, its formal elegance and its richness of harmony and texture".

Born in Salzburg, then in the Holy Roman Empire and currently in Austria, Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. His father took him on a grand tour of Europe and then three trips to Italy. At 17, he was a musician at the Salzburg court but grew restless and travelled in search of a better position.

While visiting Vienna in 1781, Mozart was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He stayed in Vienna, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years there, he composed many of his best-known symphoniesconcertos, and operas. His Requiem was largely unfinished by the time of his death at the age of 35, the circumstances of which are uncertain and much mythologized.

Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550 (Julien Salemkour & Staatskapelle Berlin)

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

POESIA & MUSICA - Las 88 de Teclas de Ensueños - ALMO



Las 88 Teclas de Ensueños

Tus notas nos tocan y transportan,
de melodías nos llenas la vida,
bellas armonías nos cambian la faz del día,
acordes, pausas y silencio, nos reconfortan.

Eres el invitado de gala en cada sala,
el galán de etiqueta, de blanco y negro te vistes,
o con traje de cola, vertical o digital,
muchos adoramos tus encantos.

Entre suspiros y anhelos, siempre te escuchamos,
nos llegan tus mensajes, grandes nombres y obras,
hoy tus imágenes se plasman en versos,
sobre tí se posan las mejores manos . . . el pianista.

. . . a los 88 días de 2023

Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

POESIA - A Don Francisco de Miranda, El Precursor



                  A Don Francisco de Miranda, El Precursor

Visionario, diplomático y amante de la Libertad,
empedernido soñador y viajero incansable,
cantamos tus hazañas por grandes, nobles y genuinas,
los ideales, a flor de piel, son tu permanente Verdad.

Solamente recordar tus periplos, merece la mayor admiración
de todo el nuevo mundo, agradecido y arrepentido,
al no saber darle méritos a tu sublime entrega,
de crear Repúblicas, prósperas e independientes.

Si Francia, Inglaterra, Rusia y Estados Unidos
fueron forjadores y testigos de tus proezas,
la América Hispana quedó en deuda contigo,
al dejarte solitario en La Carraca, donde viviste: "sólo en Dios confío."    

De los libros y las tertulias, a las batallas y componendas,
cuánta hidalguía solitaria, pasaría por tus pensares,
creando nuevas vivencias para gentes sin noción de vida,
el destino te hizo Generalísimo, y nosotros, así te sentimos.

28 de Marzo de 2023

fuente : WIKIPEDIA, la Enciclopedia Libre

Sebastián Francisco de Miranda y Rodríguez Espinoza (Caracas, 28 de marzo de 1750-San Fernando, 14 de julio de 1816), conocido como Francisco de Miranda, fue un políticomilitardiplomáticoescritorhumanista e ideólogo venezolano, considerado como el precursor de la emancipación americana contra el imperio español. Conocido como el primer venezolano universal y el americano más universal, participó en la independencia de los Estados Unidos y en la Revolución francesa, acontecimiento del cual fue protagonista destacado por lo que le fue otorgado el título de héroe de la revolución. Posteriormente fue líder del bando patriota en la independencia de Venezuela.

Destacó en la política como un firme defensor de la independencia y la soberanía de las naciones en el ámbito internacional. Militó con los girondinos en Francia, fue firmante del Acta de la Declaración de Independencia de Venezuela e impulsor y líder de la Sociedad Patriótica. También fue el creador del proyecto geopolítico conocido como Gran Colombia, que Simón Bolívar trataría de llevar a cabo en 1826 tras la liberación de los territorios que hoy conforman ColombiaPanamáEcuador y Venezuela; aspirando a unificarlos en una sola nación.

Al militar en las filas de los ejércitos español y francés alcanzó los rangos de coronel y mariscal, respectivamente. Además, obtuvo el grado de coronel en el ejército ruso, concedido por Catalina II la Grande, y fue el primer comandante en jefe de los ejércitos venezolanos, ostentando el título de generalísimo. Su carrera militar contempla su participación en cuatro contiendas: el sitio de Melilla (1774-1775) y la invasión española de Argel de 1775 en el norte de África, la guerra de independencia estadounidense, las guerras revolucionarias francesas y la guerra de independencia de Venezuela. Entre sus gestas militares destacan su actuación en el sitio de Melilla, la batalla de Pensacola en Estados Unidos y la batalla de Valmy en Francia. Miranda fue combatiente destacado en tres continentes: ÁfricaAmérica y Europa.2

A pesar de haber formado parte de tantos procesos revolucionarios y gubernamentales en el ámbito internacional, fracasó a la hora de poner en práctica sus proyectos en su propio país, Venezuela. No obstante, su ideal político perduró en el tiempo y sirvió de base para la fundación de la Gran Colombia, mientras que sus ideas independentistas influyeron en destacados líderes de la emancipación americana como Simón Bolívar en Venezuela y Bernardo O'Higgins en Chile.3

Su nombre está grabado en el Arco del Triunfo de París, su retrato forma parte de la Galería de los Personajes en el Palacio de Versalles y su estatua se encuentra frente a la del general Kellerman en el Campo de ValmyFrancia.

GRAN FINALE Les Miserables 10th Anniversary

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

MUSIC - The March Gift - G.F. Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks and Water Music


                                The March Gift

Let the marvel of Spring lighten your spiritual feelings which were held in a cozy mood during colder days. Now it is time to rejoice, for opening souls and flowers, to wonders of enchanting music like this unique inspiration of George Frideric Handel.

In hard times, we may find in this epical music some melodies and chords which bring us back to higher moments in life, lifting our expectations for brighter days.

An astonishing event is ready to appear when we listen to masterpieces like this March Gift. Please enjoy it and allow music invite us to better days ahead.


from WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia . . . 

First performance

The first performance of the Water Music is recorded in The Daily Courant, the first British daily newspaper. At about 8 p.m. on Wednesday, 17 July 1717, King George I and several aristocrats boarded a royal barge at Whitehall Palace, for an excursion up the Thames toward Chelsea. The rising tide propelled the barge upstream without rowing. Another barge, provided by the City of London, transported about 50 musicians who performed Handel's music. Many other Londoners also took to the river to hear the concert. According to The Courant, "the whole River in a manner was covered" with boats and barges. On arriving at Chelsea, the king left his barge, then returned to it at about 11 p.m. for the return trip. The king was so pleased with Water Music that he ordered it to be repeated at least three times, both on the trip upstream to Chelsea and on the return, until he landed again at Whitehall.[2]

King George's companions in the royal barge included Anne Vaughan, Duchess of BoltonHarriet Pelham-Holles, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-TyneEvelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston-upon-HullSophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of DarlingtonHenrietta Godolphin, 2nd Duchess of Marlborough, and George Douglas-Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney.

Handel's orchestra is believed to have performed from about 8 p.m. until well after midnight, with only one break while the king went ashore at Chelsea.[3]

It was rumoured that the Water Music was composed to help King George refocus London's attention from his son and heir (later George II of Great Britain), who, worried that his time to rule would be shortened by his father's long life, threw lavish parties and dinners to compensate for it; the Water Music's first performance on the Thames was the King's way of reminding London that he was still there and showing he could carry out gestures even grander than his son's.[4]

G.F. Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks and Water Music | Le Concert Spirituel & Hervé Niquet

POESIA - Día Internacional de la Mujer

  POESIA                       Día Internacional de la Mujer Y te vemos en el día a día, con tu noble entereza, de salir adelante, con tus i...