Un espacio - tiempo para el deleite de la percepción personal. A space-time to enjoy human insight.
jueves, 28 de enero de 2021
MUSICA - Tonada de Luna Llena - Simón Díaz - Karina - MISO
lunes, 25 de enero de 2021
ARTS - Glassblowing - Greg Owen
This is a glassblowing master at work.
Featured artist Greg Owen, video courtesy of Derek Klein.
More here: https://www.instagram.com/gmanonfire/
martes, 19 de enero de 2021
MUSIC - Bohemian Rapsody
Enjoy this unique performance, outstanding, refreshing . . .
domingo, 17 de enero de 2021
MUSIC - Impossible Dream - Josh Groban
"To reach the unreachable star" . . .
"I will always be true to that glorious Quest" . . .
January 17, 2021
Josh Groban - Impossible Dream
ARTS - Painting - Nancy Reyna
The Art
I take photos of nature everywhere I
go, always finding wonderful reasons for painting. Later, I look for colors,
shapes, light and shadows to select the ones I want to use for painting in my
home studio.
After drawing the main shapes on paper,
I add pigments, sometimes pre-wetting the paper. Working on large shapes first,
from light to dark, and around the light areas, I layer the colors, letting
each one dry before the next goes on.
The colors in the shadows create the
shapes and make the light parts glow. A variety of techniques, such as
wet-in-wet, dry brush, and spattering create the textures that I want.
The Artist
grew up in Venezuela, surrounded by its lush, tropical world. I’ve lived in
Miami since 1982, and the pull of patterns in light and shadow, vibrant colors
and shapes has followed me throughout my life.
I started painting in 1997, after my
husband died, and friends encouraged me to take a watercolor class. Retiring from
twenty-five years of teaching at the primary and college levels, I put all my
energy into painting, and created my “Second Act”.
Continually growing in new directions
in order to develop my business, I can be found online, as well as at art
festivals. I like to inspire others to experience the peace, beauty and joy
that are always around us.
www.nancyreyna.com nreynapainter@gmail.com (786)592-0211
ART - Painting - Nancy Reyna
FILOSOFIA - Biografía del Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Fuente: Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica. Caracas, Venezuela, Enero, Año 1972. Retrato elaborado por el pintor Omar Almeida, 1972.
viernes, 15 de enero de 2021
POESIA - Al Maestro con Cariño
Al Maestro con Cariño
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2021
POESIA - Oh Divina Pastora
domingo, 10 de enero de 2021
MUSIC - The Prayer
Andrea Bocelli and Katharine Mcphee - The prayer (Live 2008) HD, Lyrics
miércoles, 6 de enero de 2021
POESIA - La Adoración a los Reyes Magos
MUSIC - America, The Beautiful - Ray Charles
Ray Charles - America,The Beautiful (LIVE) HD
martes, 5 de enero de 2021
MUSICA - Mi Corazón es Venezuela
Mi corazón es Venezuela - Gran Coquivacoa 2016
MUSIC - America -Neil Diamond
Neil Diamond - America (Live At The Greek Theatre / 2012)
MUSICA - El Sueño de Simón
El Sueño de Simón es una creación musical de Jorge Luis Chacín donde coinciden los anhelos de todo un país. Una auténtica poesía-canción que motiva a realizar dicho anhelo y convertirlo en realidad a quien la escucha por primera vez.
5 de Enero de 2021
EL SUEÑO DE SIMÓN -Jorge Luis Chacín- Subtitulado
lunes, 4 de enero de 2021
MUSICA - El Mundo que Soñé
El mundo que soñé. Cantamos por la paz de Venezuela y el mundo
MUSIC - Let Freedom Ring
Barry Manilow - Let Freedom Ring (Live) posted July 1st, 2011
domingo, 3 de enero de 2021
MUSICA - Mis Ilusiones
SanLuis - Mis Ilusiones. ft. Voz Veis y Apache. Video Oficial
POESIA - Día Internacional de la Mujer
POESIA Día Internacional de la Mujer Y te vemos en el día a día, con tu noble entereza, de salir adelante, con tus i...

MUSICA /. POESIA 50 Aniversario de El Sistema Partida de Nacimiento: un 12 de Febrero, en la Tierra de Gracia, por ser ...