jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

MUSIC - The March Gift - G.F. Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks and Water Music


                                The March Gift

Let the marvel of Spring lighten your spiritual feelings which were held in a cozy mood during colder days. Now it is time to rejoice, for opening souls and flowers, to wonders of enchanting music like this unique inspiration of George Frideric Handel.

In hard times, we may find in this epical music some melodies and chords which bring us back to higher moments in life, lifting our expectations for brighter days.

An astonishing event is ready to appear when we listen to masterpieces like this March Gift. Please enjoy it and allow music invite us to better days ahead.


from WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia . . . 

First performance

The first performance of the Water Music is recorded in The Daily Courant, the first British daily newspaper. At about 8 p.m. on Wednesday, 17 July 1717, King George I and several aristocrats boarded a royal barge at Whitehall Palace, for an excursion up the Thames toward Chelsea. The rising tide propelled the barge upstream without rowing. Another barge, provided by the City of London, transported about 50 musicians who performed Handel's music. Many other Londoners also took to the river to hear the concert. According to The Courant, "the whole River in a manner was covered" with boats and barges. On arriving at Chelsea, the king left his barge, then returned to it at about 11 p.m. for the return trip. The king was so pleased with Water Music that he ordered it to be repeated at least three times, both on the trip upstream to Chelsea and on the return, until he landed again at Whitehall.[2]

King George's companions in the royal barge included Anne Vaughan, Duchess of BoltonHarriet Pelham-Holles, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-TyneEvelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston-upon-HullSophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of DarlingtonHenrietta Godolphin, 2nd Duchess of Marlborough, and George Douglas-Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney.

Handel's orchestra is believed to have performed from about 8 p.m. until well after midnight, with only one break while the king went ashore at Chelsea.[3]

It was rumoured that the Water Music was composed to help King George refocus London's attention from his son and heir (later George II of Great Britain), who, worried that his time to rule would be shortened by his father's long life, threw lavish parties and dinners to compensate for it; the Water Music's first performance on the Thames was the King's way of reminding London that he was still there and showing he could carry out gestures even grander than his son's.[4]

G.F. Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks and Water Music | Le Concert Spirituel & Hervé Niquet

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023




SERIES  BAROQUE  -   7 / 7


                            ARCANGELO CORELLI  ( 1653 - 1713 )

Arcangelo Corelli's masterpieces touch sensitivity of the human soul surrounded by classical principles of sobriety, symmetry, rationality, balanced and expressive moderation, as well as formal perfection, well appreciated by all publics.

We highly recommend his music if you want to discover your inner thoughts and feelings in life.


Arcangello Corelli - Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 6, No. 4 (JBO/Shemer)




CYCLE 5 X 5  -  5 / 5


They may change your mindset with their blended tunes, harmonic voices, peaceful moments, brilliant chords and overwhelming feelings.

It is an easy task for Pentatonix to elevate anyone from earth to heaven. Just listen, relax and enjoy.


Pentatonix - Can't Help Falling In Love (Official Video)

martes, 21 de marzo de 2023




                              DIA MUNDIAL DE LA POESIA 

Estimados poetas

Feliz martes

Remito el flyer de la actividad si gustan compartirlo en sus redes sociales, etiquetando a @culturachacao en instagram

Gracias infinita por el apoyo!!!

Somos poesía y nos une este sentimiento!!!

Los esperamos!!!

Saludos cordiales



lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023



SERIES  BAROQUE  -   6 / 7


                 ARCANGELO CORELLI  ( 1653 - 1713 )

Arcangelo Corelli's masterpieces touch sensitivity of human soul surrounded by classical principles of sobriety, symmetry, rationality, balanced and expressive moderation, as well as formal perfection, well appreciated by all publics.

We highly recommend his music if you want to discover your inner thoughts and feelings in life.


Corelli: Concerto grosso in D, Op. 6, No. 1 - 2. Largo

domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023

ARTE - CaTa de ArTe - Conocer y Pintar



                                                       CaTa de ArTe 

Si estás interesado en actividades para los niños, te traemos esta invitación para que los pequeños de casa puedan conocer y pintar la famosa obra: Interior con perro, del gran pintor francés Henri Matisse.

Dirigido a:  personas adultas de 16 años en adelante, con capacidad máxima de atención para 20 participantes.

Artista:  Bianca Castillo @biancastillo_artclass
CaTadora: Ericka Pereyra @erickapereyrag 
🗓  Fecha: Sábado 25 de marzo del 2023
⏰ Hora:  3:30 am a 6:00 pm
🚩  Lugar: Café Tinto. Av. Urdaneta Chacao Sur
🚸   Edades:De 9 a 15 años

La inversión incluye: 
📚 cata biográfica con reseña impresa 
🖼 sesión de pintura guiada con materiales incluidos 
🍹 bebida y snack
🎶 música acorde al evento 

Coordinadora Ericka Pereyra
Whatsapp 0414-3375838 

¡Regalale a tu hijo una tarde creativa!
Saludos con mucho ArTe.

POESIA & MUSICA - Día de San José


                         Día de San José

Cuánto amor cabe en ese Santo Nombre,
ejemplo paternal para toda Familia,
cómo darle ese sencillo homenaje,
cómo brindarle flores de letras mías ?

Fuente de inspiración eres por siempre,
con ramas frondosas de sabiduría, nos cobijas,
bajo tu amor, cuidado y bondad,
cada Hijo siente tu savia Divina.

La Bendición nos das en cada anochecer,
al despuntar el día nos abres los brazos de dicha,
cuántas jornadas laboriosas nos brindas,
justo, noble y generoso es el signo de tu Ser.

19 de Marzo de 2023

Fiesta en Elorza - Eneas Perdomo


sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023

POETRY & MUSIC - Springtime 2023


                         Springtime  2023

Dreams come true as flowers shine and bloom,
sunrays begin their early chantings,
crossing the nights, sparkling splendid days,
live it, like never before, never miss the moon.

The waiting calendar has disappeared,
open your arms, embrace the atmosphere,
from kids to older ones, all faces are shining more,
tis´ the road to the love show.

You may say it loud and clear,
leave the coats and boots at home,
time has been pleasantly invited, 
for brighter moments, starting to appear. 

May 20, 2023

Vivaldi Four Seasons: Spring (La Primavera) Full, original. Youssefian & Voices of Music RV 269 4K

POESIA & MUSICA - Primavera 2023



                              Primavera 2023

Es el primer verdor para quienes habitan
y sueñan siempre en ese paraíso terrenal,
es la fabulosa bienvenida a la felicidad hormonal,
brotan las flores, el ánimo y la vitalidad. 

Las aves sonríen en sus vuelos serpentinos,
al igual que los cerezos abren sus pétalos de amor, 
cada uno siente la algarabía, por alejarse del frío, 
los cánticos nos invitan al despertar de los nidos.

Y cuentan las leyendas del lejano oriente 
el más profundo de los ensueños,
entre lunas y soles, laten los corazones,
enamorados de la primavera más radiante.

Flora y fauna ahora se visten de gala,
atrás queda el encierro del invierno
era casi como un gélido infierno,
gracias Primavera, por llegar a nuestra cita, sin falta. 

20 de Marzo de 2023

Vivaldi - Spring from The Four Seasons | Netherlands Bach Society

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

POETRY & MUSIC - An Old Irish Blessing for St. Patrick’s Day



An Old Irish Blessing for St. Patrick’s Day

May your days be many and your troubles be few.

May all God’s blessings descend upon you.

May peace be within you, may your heart be strong.

May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.

May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us.

May the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us.

May thy Salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore.


Written by St. Patrick

source:  IRISH CENTRAL . . . 

"May the road rise to meet you" is an Irish blessing that has been passed down through generations. It is a traditional way of wishing someone good luck and fortune on their journey through life. This blessing has a simple yet powerful message that has resonated with people all over the world.

The origin of this blessing is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have its roots in Ireland. The Irish are known for their love of language and poetry, and this blessing is a perfect example of that. It is a beautiful and meaningful way of expressing good wishes for someone.

Originally written in the Irish language, the prayer – the author is unknown – has three main images, namely wind, sun, and rain. Fittingly for something written so long ago, the ancient Irish’s deep connection to nature and Ireland’s ever-changing elements shine through.

The reference to the wind is thought to be a reference to the Holy Spirit, who came as a “mighty wind” at Pentecost.

The sun’s warmth alludes to God’s mercy which the New Testament (Luke 1:78, NIV) tells us “by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven.”

The mention of rain is thought to be symbolic of God’s provision – nothing will grow without rain.

In Irish, the first line “Go n-éirí an bóthar leat” more literally usually translated as “May you succeed on the road” the French equivalent of which is “bon voyage.”


March 17, 2023


Soothing Irish Music with Beautiful Scenery of Ireland | Peaceful Celtic Music | Scenic Relaxation

POESIA - Pàgina Lírica - "Allá en el Bosque"


                            Pàgina Lírica

                         Allá en el Bosque

Me consuela pensar que allá en el bosque,
rodeada de murmullos y aromas,
debe haber una choza abandonada,
no lejos de una fuente y de un camino . . . 

Que debe haber allí tanta quietud,
que apenas se oiga susurrar el viento,
y que tan solo el canto de los pájaros
rompa a veces el plácido silencio . . . 

Que allí se pueda estar como uno quiera,
sin cuidarse de nada ni de nadie,
tendido indiferente sobre el musgo,
viendo crecer las flores y los sueños . . . 

Y me gusta pensar que un día cualquiera,
por ver crecer como una rosa el alma,
hacia esa humilde choza pueda irme,
y allí, solo, quedarme para siempre . . . 

                                                            Luis Eladio Guevara

Fuente: Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica. Febrero, 1973. Caracas, Venezuela. Derechos reservados.

POETRY - Dreams Come True - ALMO

  POETRY                     Dreams Come True Since a child's truthful wishes are to grow in a pleasant and fruitful world, where Peace ...