sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023

POETRY & MUSIC - Springtime 2023


                         Springtime  2023

Dreams come true as flowers shine and bloom,
sunrays begin their early chantings,
crossing the nights, sparkling splendid days,
live it, like never before, never miss the moon.

The waiting calendar has disappeared,
open your arms, embrace the atmosphere,
from kids to older ones, all faces are shining more,
tis´ the road to the love show.

You may say it loud and clear,
leave the coats and boots at home,
time has been pleasantly invited, 
for brighter moments, starting to appear. 

May 20, 2023

Vivaldi Four Seasons: Spring (La Primavera) Full, original. Youssefian & Voices of Music RV 269 4K

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