miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2024

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Kirill Petrenko 2 / 7


                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                        2  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings which we encourage you to find at their website.

Kirill Petrenko & Berliner Philharmoniker: Dawn of a new era

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MUSIC / Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries) 2 / 7

  MUSIC                                                                  Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries)                              ...