martes, 18 de junio de 2024

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS . Francesco Geminiani (1687 - 1762) 4 / 7



                          Francesco Geminiani    
                                (1687 - 1762) 
                                      4  /  7

An essential reference of the Baroque period, Francesco Geminiani is a clear example of  a universal human being who is still considered one of the most brilliant talents of his time.

When listening to his masterpieces, one can feel such wonderful inspirations which allow us to travel  into marvelous insights, in some of the soul's hidden places.

You may enjoy it anytime or anywhere. Feel free to do so and enjoy.


Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) - Concerti Grossi VII-XII Op.5, after Corelli (Andrew Manze)

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