martes, 30 de abril de 2024

POETRY - First of May - ALMO - 2024


                   First of May 

It is a perfect way of living,
sharing love is the ticket to ride,
in the midst of the glory of sunny days
even a flower can receive tiny drops of rain.

As the breeze smoothly touches your face,
a mix of feelings sprout from within,
sweet memories playing hide and seek,
as heartbeats enjoy this First of May.

Mother Earth almost embraces you,
while watching a child become a man,
surrounded by beloved ones,
so be sure, to stay safe, in the warmth of Graceland.

You are allowed to fall and rise again,
to lose and win, to cry and laugh,
above all, you are blessed and unique,
carved by the Almighty, who heals and cares of you.

May 1st., 2024

almoxxi.blogspot. com


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