viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

MUSIC - The Treasure of Christmas 1 / 24



                  The Treasure of  Christmas 

                                     1 / 24

As we breathe and walk through these special holidays, like previous years, there lies an incredible journey in each soul, no matter where and when, but truthfully everyone feels a breeze of Faith and Hope, beyond all odds because anyone can perceive it like a new blessing in life.  

More than ever, new challenges are happening and for good worldwide. Be aware of this momentum, simple and significant things are developing around your daily routine. You know it very well, deep inside of you that Truth is prevailing and a new dawn is also enlightening new horizons. 

We want to share some beautiful tunes which remind us of the real meaning of Prosperity and Wealth. No other generation before has been so far and so close to the marvels of Human Nature at its best. We can all agree on the idea that the real Treasure of Christmas is within our hearts.

Make your wishes come true by singing or humming your favorite songs.

Please share with beloved ones our deep and warm wishes for a better present for all mankind.

Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year 2024 !!!

December 2023

Andrea Bocelli - Angels We Have Heard On High

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MUSIC / Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries) 2 / 7

  MUSIC                                                                  Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries)                              ...