Happy Thanksgiving Day 2022
Pachelbel Canon in D Major - the original and best version.
Across the valleys and mountains,
villages, towns and coastlines,
thankfulness has arrived to be shared,
humble meanings of family prayers.
The table is blessed with delicious plates,
for those who are invited to this worshipped meal,
here are the relatives with their precious insights,
wherever you may live, you are always in our hearts.
The values of life are right here, within a special day,
with beloved ones, close or far, here or there,
never forgotten, always in place,
deep remembrances embrace our souls together.
More than words, the eyes and ears are all awake,
for love is the main event, more than ever,
thanking the Almighty make the spirit rise,
up to simple feelings which praise human pride.
Happy Thanksgiving Day 2022
Pachelbel Canon in D Major - the original and best version.
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