miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2022

POETRY - International Day of Peace


                     International Day of Peace 

Today the Bells of Peace may sound 
in the awareness of the unknown, 
being the most natural thing, in the youth of all nations, 
because they are pristine voices, capable of embracing each other.

Practicing solutions of fraternity without failures, 
is passing through tunnels of time without bias, 
Are there any reasons to keep wars alive ? 
Are human lives mere declarations thrown into the dark sea ?

Let us be responsible for each human being,
speak to the mirror of your soul, and see all what is left inside,
never deny the causes or consequences,
just be fair enough to gain the award of saying the Truth.

September 21, 2022


Just One Voice, Singing in the darkness, All it takes is One Voice, Singing so they hear what's on your mind, And when you look around you'll find There's more than One Voice, Singing in the darkness, Joining with your One Voice, Each and every note another octave, Hands are joined and fears unlocked, If only One Voice Would start it on its own We need just One Voice Facing the unknown, And that One Voice Would never be alone It takes that One Voice. Ba ba ba da da da da, Ba ba ba ba ba ba da da da, Ba ba ba ba ba ba It takes that one voice Just One Voice Singing in the darkness, All it takes is One Voice, Shout it out and let it ring. Just One Voice, It takes that One Voice, And everyone will sing!

Barry Manilow - One Voice

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