sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021

POETRY - The 21st of the 11th of the 21st - ALMO

                         The 21st of the 11th of the 21st

It is not the case of the 2 X 1, because it is an anniversary month,

with the Jack of hearts among my cards,

are the lanky and magnificent twins,

the ecstatic flight of parallel lives.

We searched and found a pair of tracks,

the visual of the explorer with his binoculars,

encounters with spectacular feelings,

luck of the traveler with a flashlight.

The Alpha dresses up, threefold, 

together with the Light and the Muse, fascinating.

who shine in divine instances,

as they travel with great affection towards the Omega.


November 21st, 2021

Oistrakh, Menuhin - Bach - Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043

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