domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2020

POETRY - Awakening



How many times has it come to your mind and soul ?

How many crossroads have you left behind ?

Maybe the Truth is just beside or inside you,

and you're still seeking beyond the moon and stars . . . 

So far and so close is a matter of perspective,

light up your candle and see how it glows,

its messages seem to silently blow,

then, leave your senses outside and feel how it flows . . . 


Arts and science may live together,

they are keys to unlock all doors,

you may tour inside your inner world,

you will touch the beat of the universe . . .

Live the movement as you sit along the shore,

the marvelous sounds of a river, of a wave, of a fall,

telling you, showing you, calling you to come along,

the signs are only waiting, watching and playing . . .

The masterpiece is happening without hesitations,

the artist and scientist may celebrate here and now,

enjoy the goodness of a better life,

Awakening has just begun to arise . . . 

Amen   🙏


December 21st., 2020

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