miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2020



                                 Ending is the Beginning

Oh yes, it is happening,
after all pros and cons,
beyond your five senses,
lies deep inside, the magic wand . . .  

It  is the One who calls you,
it is the text to feel, not read,
multi-media stands far behind,
Life and Wisdom are way up high . . . 

You may look at the sky,
asking, thinking, wondering : Why ?
The Almighty is whispering : It is time !
Smile, shine, you are once again Humankind in 2021 . . . 
Let it be known.

December 31st., 2020

1 comentario:

  1. WOW! I love it! This is how I feel the 2021. Thank you for inspiring and sharing this beautiful poem.
    Best Wishes,


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