domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

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                            Series of Conductors 

                                 Claudio Abbado  
                                  ( 1933 - 2014 )
                                        3  / 7

       The artistic life of Claudio Abbado is completely related to many of the top conductors of his beginnings as a prolific musician. Taking into account his studies as a pianist, conductor and composer, one may understand the intensity of each one of his performances.

       A well-known conductor from his early years in orchestras such as in the Vienna Academy of Music, Chigiana Academy in Sienna, New York Philharmonic. Vienna Philharmonic, Halle Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, and many others during his fruitful musical career.

      You may consider Claudio Abbado a profound follower of the greatest conductors from whom he learnt his mastery of art.



MUSIC - Series of Composers - Edward Elgar ( 1857 - 1934 ) 3 / 7


                              Series of Composers

                                    Edward Elgar
                                    ( 1857 - 1934 )
                                          3 / 7 
       The name of Edward Elgar gives anyone a sense of worldwide inspiration and recognition. His masterpieces have a special touch which makes any public identified with his marvelous ways of living within music at its highest elements.

       You may even feel British when listening to his beautiful compositions. It is mesmerising each one of his musical creations.

       Enjoy this remarkable composer of all times whenever you want to enter into a motivational sphere of life. 

       Thank you Maestro Edward Elgar  !!! 

Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia
Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet 2 June 1857 – 23 February 1934) 


Elgar: Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61 - Tasmin Little /Andrew Davis /BBC Symphony Orchestra

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                              Series of Composers

                                    Edward Elgar
                                    ( 1857 - 1934 )

                                          2 / 7 
       The name of Edward Elgar gives anyone a sense of worldwide inspiration and recognition. His masterpieces have a special touch which makes any public identified with his marvelous ways of living within music at its highest elements.

       You may even feel British when listening to his beautiful compositions. It is mesmerising each one of his musical creations.

       Enjoy this remarkable composer of all times whenever you want to enter into a motivational sphere of life. 

       Thank you Maestro Edward Elgar  !!! 

Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia
Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet 2 June 1857 – 23 February 1934) 


Land of Hope and Glory, 
Mother of the Free, 
How shall we extol thee, 
who are born of thee ? 
Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set ; 
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet, God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.

 Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance | BBC Proms 2014 - BBC

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

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                            Series of Conductors 

                                 Claudio Abbado  
                                  ( 1933 - 2014 )
                                        2  / 7

       The artistic life of Claudio Abbado is completely related to many of the top conductors of his beginnings as a prolific musician. Taking into account his studies as a pianist, conductor and composer, one may understand the intensity of each one of his performances.

       A well-known conductor from his early years in orchestras such as in the Vienna Academy of Music, Chigiana Academy in Sienna, New York Philharmonic. Vienna Philharmonic, Halle Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, and many others during his fruitful musical career.

      You may consider Claudio Abbado a profound follower of the greatest conductors from whom he learnt his mastery of art.


Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Born in MilanItaly ( 1933 - 2014 )

Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" / Abbado · Berliner Philharmoniker

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2024

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                            Series of Conductors 

                                 Claudio Abbado  
                                  ( 1933 - 2014 )
                                        1  / 7

       The artistic life of Claudio Abbado is completely related to many of the top conductors of his beginnings as a prolific musician. Taking into account his studies as a pianist, conductor and composer, one may understand the intensity of each one of his performances.

       A well-known conductor from his early years in orchestras such as in the Vienna Academy of Music, Chigiana Academy in Sienna, New York Philharmonic. Vienna Philharmonic, Halle Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, and many others during his fruitful musical career.

      You may consider Claudio Abbado a profound follower of the greatest conductors from whom he learnt his mastery of art.


Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Born in MilanItaly on 26 June 1933, Claudio Abbado was the son of violinist Michelangelo Abbado, and the brother of the musician Marcello Abbado (born 1926). His father, a professional violinist and a professor at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory, was his first piano teacher. His mother, Maria Carmela Savagnone, also was an adept pianist. Marcello Abbado later became a concert pianist, composer, and teacher at the Rossini Conservatory in Pesaro. His sister also exhibited talent in music but did not pursue a musical career after her marriage. His other brother later became a successful architect.

Conducting career

In 1969, Abbado became the principal conductor at La Scala. Subsequently, he became the company's music director in 1972. He took the title of joint artistic director, along with Giorgio Strehler and Carlo Maria Badini, in 1976. During his tenure, he extended the opera season to four months, and focused on giving inexpensive performances for the working class and students. In addition to the standard opera repertoire, he presented contemporary operas, including works of Luigi Dallapiccola and of Luigi Nono, in particular, the world premiere of Nono's Al gran sole carico d'amore. In 1976, he brought the La Scala company to the US for its American debut in Washington, D.C. for the American Bicentennial. In 1982, he founded the Filarmonica della Scala for the performance of orchestral repertoire by the house orchestra in concert. Abbado remained affiliated with La Scala until 1986.

On 7 October 1968, Abbado made his debut with the Metropolitan Opera with Don Carlo. He began to work more extensively with the Vienna Philharmonic (VPO) after 1971, which included two engagements as conductor of the orchestra's New Year's Day concert, in 1988 and 1991. He was a recipient of both the Philharmonic Ring and the Golden Nicolai Medal from the Vienna Philharmonic.

He served as Principal Guest Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) from 1975 to 1979 and became its Principal Conductor in 1979, a post he held until 1987. (He was also the LSO's Music Director from 1984 until the end of his principal conductor tenure.) From 1982 to 1985, he was principal guest conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO). In 1986, Abbado became the Generalmusikdirektor (GMD) of the city of Vienna, and in parallel, was music director of the Vienna State Opera from 1986 to 1991. During his tenure as GMD in Vienna, in 1988, he founded the music festival Wien Modern. There he backed numerous contemporary composers including György LigetiPierre Boulez, and Luigi Nono.

Berliner Philharmoniker & Claudio Abbado – Mozart: Requiem In D Minor: Sequentia: Lacrimosa

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                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Edward Elgar
                                    ( 1857 - 1934 )
                                          1 / 7 
       The name of Edward Elgar gives anyone a sense of worldwide inspiration and recognition. His masterpieces have a special touch which makes any public identified with his marvelous ways of living within music at its highest elements.

       You may even feel British when listening to his beautiful compositions. It is mesmerising each one of his musical creations.

       Enjoy this remarkable composer of all times whenever you want to enter into a motivational sphere of life. 

       Thank you Maestro Edward Elgar  !!! 

Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia
Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet, OMGCVO (/ˈɛlɡɑːr/ ;[1] 2 June 1857 – 23 February 1934) was an English composer, many of whose works have entered the British and international classical concert repertoire. Among his best-known compositions are orchestral works including the Enigma Variations, the Pomp and Circumstance Marches, concertos for violin and cello, and two symphonies. He also composed choral works, including The Dream of Gerontius, chamber music and songs. He was appointed Master of the King's Musick in 1924.

Although Elgar is often regarded as a typically English composer, most of his musical influences were not from England but from continental Europe. He felt himself to be an outsider, not only musically, but socially. In musical circles dominated by academics, he was a self-taught composer; in Protestant Britain, his Roman Catholicism was regarded with suspicion in some quarters; and in the class-conscious society of Victorian and Edwardian Britain, he was acutely sensitive about his humble origins even after he achieved recognition. He nevertheless married the daughter of a senior British Army officer. She inspired him both musically and socially, but he struggled to achieve success until his forties, when after a series of moderately successful works his Enigma Variations (1899) became immediately popular in Britain and overseas. He followed the Variations with a choral work, The Dream of Gerontius (1900), based on a Roman Catholic text that caused some disquiet in the Anglican establishment in Britain, but it became, and has remained, a core repertory work in Britain and elsewhere. His later full-length religious choral works were well received but have not entered the regular repertory.

In his fifties, Elgar composed a symphony and a violin concerto that were immensely successful. His second symphony and his cello concerto did not gain immediate public popularity and took many years to achieve a regular place in the concert repertory of British orchestras. Elgar's music came, in his later years, to be seen as appealing chiefly to British audiences. His stock remained low for a generation after his death. It began to revive significantly in the 1960s, helped by new recordings of his works. Some of his works have, in recent years, been taken up again internationally, but the music continues to be played more in Britain than elsewhere.

Elgar has been described as the first composer to take the gramophone seriously. Between 1914 and 1925, he conducted a series of acoustic recordings of his works. The introduction of the moving-coil microphone in 1923 made far more accurate sound reproduction possible, and Elgar made new recordings of most of his major orchestral works and excerpts from The Dream of Gerontius.


Edward Elgar - Nimrod

martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

FILOSOFIA - Nuestra Palabra - Octubre 2024


                                                     Nuestra Palabra 

       Parménides, en sus Reglas de Oro para la Juventud decía : " Que tus actos y tus costumbres sean un poco mejor de lo que tu pienses que son suficientemente buenos. Esta verdad, que asombra por su simpleza, será el triunfo de quien la aplique en la vida diaria.

       El trabajo hecho un poquito mejor de lo que se nos exige ; el estudio, con un poco más de atención ; el diario vivir, con un poquito más de lógica, nos conducirá, inevitablemente, a una meta venturosa y al triunfo en la vida.

       La conformidad con nuestros actos nos vuelve perezosos, es una manera de ser soberbios y vanidosos.

       Sólo el humilde alcanzará el triunfo, porque nunca estará conforme consigo mismo y aspira siempre mejorar, ser mejor con sus semejantes, porque cree que siempre podrá actuar mejor. 

       El trabajador que hace más y mejor la tarea que le fue encomendada, necesariamente tendrá que progresar en su trabajo.

       El trabajo del joven es estudiar, y si aplica la regla, culminará brillantemente sus estudios.

       El hombre y la mujer en el hogar, el empleado en sus labores, el legislador, el magistrado, el gobernante, todos, en el cumplimiento de "La Regla de Oro", que nos dejó el sabio Parménides, alcanzaríamos el bienestar y la razón de vivir hasta viejos.

                                                                              OM   TAT   SAT

Fuente : Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica, Mayo 1970.  Derechos Reservados.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024



                           página  lirica 


Si tendremos que marchar por el mundo
como el sol y la luna:
sin encontrarnos nunca, 
mirándonos de lejos . . . 

Si tendremos que ser siempre
pasajeros de ensueños,
diciéndonos adiós
de rutas diferentes . . . 

Si este cariño tuyo y mío,
se perderá en la nada, 
sin poder hacer ángulo,
sin encontrar un vértice . . . 

                                  Si tendrás que ser siempre el lucero
                                  que tiembla allá en la noche,
                                  lejano y transparente
                                  como una gota azul . . . 

                                  Y yo el cándido árbol,
                                  que alza su copa verde,
                                  esperando que caiga 
                                  esa gota de luz . . . 

                                                   Luis Eladio Guevara

Fuente: Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica. Septiembre, 1973. Caracas, Venezuela. Derechos reservados.

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  MUSIC                               Series of Conductors                                   Claudio Abbado                                 ...