sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

POESIA - Página Lírica - AMOR - Francois Copee (1842 - 1908 )



 Página Lírica  


No has muerto, no.

con las rosas en cada primavera.
   Como la vida, tienes
tus hojas secas ;
tienes tu nieve, como
la vida . . . 

                    Mas tu tierra,
amor, está sembrada
de profundas promesas,
que han de cumplirse aún en el mismo 

En vano es que no me quieras !
      La brisa dulce torna, un día, al alma ;
una nube de estrellas
bajas, amor, a los sentidos,
castos como la vez primera.

Pues eres puro, eres
eterno ! A tu presencia,
vuelven por el azul, en blanco bando,
tiernas palomas que creimos muertas . . . 
Abres la sola flor, con nuevas hojas . . . 
Doras la inmortal luz con lenguas nuevas . . . 
    Eres eterno, amor
como la primavera !

                                    Francois Copee
                                     (1842 - 1908 )

Fuente: Órgano de Cultura y Difusión del Centro de Orientación Filosófica. Agosto-Septiembre 1975. Caracas, Venezuela. Derechos reservados.

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Kirill Petrenko 7 / 7


                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                       7  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings, which we encourage you to find at their website.

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 "Pathétique" / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) 7 / 7


                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Jean Sibelius 
                                    (1865 - 1957)
                                          7 / 7 

The leading figure of Finnish classical music is clearly Jean Sibelius. His deep inspirations take place from nature, Nordic mythology and the Finnish national epic, The Kalevala.

May his fine melodies help our modern world to seek and find better days to come ahead. Few composers lead us into such an atmosphere of hope and prosperity.

Thank you Maestro Sibelius for your unique way to connect human nature to a higher and brighter level.


domingo, 25 de agosto de 2024

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Kirill Petrenko 6 / 7


                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                       6  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings which we encourage you to find at their website.

Mahler: Symphony No. 4 (arr. Stein) / Karg · Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) 6 / 7



                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Jean Sibelius 
                                    (1865 - 1957)
                                          6 / 7 

The leading figure of Finnish classical music is clearly Jean Sibelius. His deep inspirations take place from nature, Nordic mythology and the Finnish national epic, The Kalevala.

May his fine melodies help our modern world to seek and find better days to come ahead. Few composers lead us into such an atmosphere of hope and prosperity.

Thank you Maestro Sibelius for your unique way to connect human nature to a higher and brighter level.


Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I

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                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                       5  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings which we encourage you to find at their website.

Barber: Adagio for Strings / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) 5 / 7


                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Jean Sibelius 
                                    (1865 - 1957)
                                          5 / 7 

The leading figure of Finnish classical music is clearly Jean Sibelius. His deep inspirations take place from nature, Nordic mythology and the Finnish national epic, The Kalevala.

May his fine melodies help our modern world to seek and find better days to come ahead. Few composers lead us into such an atmosphere of hope and prosperity.

Thank you Maestro Sibelius for your unique way to connect human nature to a higher and brighter level.


Jean Sibelius - Valse triste / Paavo Järvi / Estonian Festival Orchestra

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

POESIA 17 - Agosto




Quien eres ? 

Que quieres ?

Preguntas de la eternidad a la eternidad,

sabes bien que lo sabes, en tu Ser íntimo,

y todavía te ilusionas con lo pasajero,

llegas a tiempo cuando dejas de dudar,

y comienzas a vivir tu esencia . . . 

17 de Agosto  de 2024

Tommaso ALBINONI (1671-1751) Adagio in Sol minore

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2024

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Kirill Petrenko 4 / 7


                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                       4  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings which we encourage you to find at their website.

Elgar: Symphony No. 2 / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) 4 / 7



                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Jean Sibelius 
                                    (1865 - 1957)
                                          4 / 7 

The leading figure of Finnish classical music is clearly Jean Sibelius. His deep inspirations take place from nature, Nordic mythology and the Finnish national epic, The Kalevala.

May his fine melodies help our modern world to seek and find better days to come ahead. Few composers lead us into such an atmosphere of hope and prosperity.

Thank you Maestro Sibelius for your unique way to connect human nature to a higher and brighter level.


Musique Religieuse, Op. 113: I. Opening Hymn

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024

POETRY - The August Gift - ALMO


                             The  August  Gift

As the flame of the torch whispers farewell tonight,

Olympic dreams take a pause from Paris to Los Angeles 2028,

today, the old and the new world exchange baton,

as the best is yet to come,

Faith, Hope and Prosperity prevail,

always Mother Nature, way above artificial gadgets,

Sportsmanship travels from Eiffel Tower to Hollywood stardome . . . 


Gustavo Dudamel: John Williams - Olympic Fanfare and Theme (Walt Disney Concert Hall Gala, 2014)

MUSIC - SERIES OF CONDUCTORS - Kirill Petrenko 3 / 7


                      SERIES OF CONDUCTORS 

                                 Kirill Petrenko  

                                        3  / 7

The respected Conductor Kirill Petrenko has created strong ties with musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since his appointment in 2015. According to all musicians, his personality leads and places them in the right attitude when performing the most accurate masterpieces from well known composers.

His intensity. emotions and brilliant art is perfectly understood and shared among the audience.

Congratulations Maestro Petrenko for your fine work in the BPO.


P.S. : The BPO has marvelous digital recordings which we encourage you to find at their website.

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker

MUSIC - SERIES OF COMPOSERS - Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) 3 / 7


                              SERIES OF COMPOSERS

                                    Jean Sibelius 
                                    (1865 - 1957)
                                          3 / 7 

The leading figure of Finnish classical music is clearly Jean Sibelius. His deep inspirations take place from nature, Nordic mythology and the Finnish national epic, The Kalevala.

May his fine melodies help our modern world to seek and find better days to come ahead. Few composers lead us into such an atmosphere of hope and prosperity.

Thank you Maestro Sibelius for your unique way to connect human nature to a higher and brighter level.


Sibelius - Masonic Music - Andante festivo (cond.Jan Pogany)

POESIA - Día Internacional de la Mujer

  POESIA                       Día Internacional de la Mujer Y te vemos en el día a día, con tu noble entereza, de salir adelante, con tus i...